What can we do with a 3D Printer?

Mar 25, 2023 | News

A 3D printer is something impressive, we could create objects from nothing like household utensils, models, food, space components, prosthetics, human organs, etc. We might think that these printers are designed only for small objects, but this is not the case, there are already large printers with the potential to print houses or buildings. For this year, NASA itself will send one of these 3D printers to the International Space Station so that astronauts can manufacture parts that they consider necessary in space, hence the application in education and science. All over the world there have been examples of scientists who have turned to additive manufacturing as a means to create different types of prostheses to replace from an arm to an ear. Such is the case of the doctor in mechanical engineering Javier Munguía, who is a Mexican who works at the University of Newcastle, England, developing replicas of the spine created with 3D printing to support patients who have had physical problems, in addition to devising orthopedic devices. different made with the same technique.

While all of this seems highly practical and almost utopian, 3D printing also has its downside. At least a couple of cases have emerged in recent months where the technology in question has been used to create firearms that, after some testing, have been successfully used for shooting. Either way, 3D printing remains a promising option to completely change the manufacturing landscape for products of all kinds, including medical ones. Bioprinting technology, which promises to print tissues and organs, is not yet accessible but is in an initial phase. Researchers from different universities worldwide have collaborated to establish a technique that makes vascularization possible through of 3D printing and getting the impression of a human organ. As it becomes more affordable, it will be possible to really see what is the potential of this technology that, in one way or another, leads to an advance in science and seeks to reach as many homes as possible.


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